Comunicat 15.02.2011 - Comisia ROUM



  In perioada 25 – 27 februarie 2011 va avea loc in localitatea Moeciu de Sus, sedinta trimestriala a Comisiei Relatiile operatorilor cu utilizatorii si mass-media, organizata cu sprijinul logistic al Comitetului Teritorial Olt-Jiu si al Companiei de Apa Brasov si avand urmatoarea ordine de zi:

1. Sedinta comuna a CT Olt-Jiu si a Comisiei Relatiile operatorilor cu utilizatorii si mass-media.

2. Raportul de activitate pentru anul 2010 al Comisiei.

3. Propunere teme de discutie pentru anul 2011.

4. Propunere modificare prevederi Statut Comisie.

5. Separarea alimentarii cu apa la nivel de contor de bransament.

6. Tariful de abonament pentru serviciile prestate de operator.

7. Externalizarea activitatilor de facturare, distributie si incasare.

8. Serviciul de comunicare in slujba imbunatatirii informatiilor de la si catre utilizatori.

9. Call Center – calitate in relatia operator – utilizator.

10. Tratarea reclamatiilor ca o parte a relatiilor cu clientii.

11. Implicarea SC VITAL SA Baia Mare in proiectul national LET'S DO IT ROMANIA!

Pentru detalii de participare:

- Dl. Razvan Manolache, Secretar Comisie, 0232-215.410, 0722.631.182 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            0722.631.182      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

- Dna. Ioana Vasile Acrivopol, Compania de Apa Brasov,  0268-407.386

Compartimentul comunicare ARA


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                  On 25 – 27 February 2011 will take place in Moeciu de Sus locality the quarterly meeting of the Working Group Operator's relationship with the users and media, organized with the logistical support of the Territorial Branch Olt-Jiu and Water Company Brasov, with the following agenda:

1. Joint meeting of the TB Olt-Jiu and Working Group.

2. Activity Report for 2010 of the Working Group.

3. Proposals of themes for 2011.

4. Proposal to change the Status of the Working Group.

5. Separating the water supply at the level of meter connections.

6. Subscription fee for the services of the operator.

7. Outsourcing the billing, collection and distribution.

8. PR to improve communication service to and from users.

9. Call Centre - quality in the relationship utility - user.

10. Complaints as part of the customer relationship.

11. SC VITAL SA Baia Mare involvement in national projects LET'S DO IT ROMANIA!

To participate:

- Mr. Razvan Manolache, Working Group Secretary, 0232-215.410, 0722.631.182 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            0722.631.182      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

- Mrs. Ioana Vasile Acrivopol, Water Company Brasov, 0744.687.583 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            0744.687.583      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, 0268-407.386

ARA Communications Department