Comunicate de presa August 2012

Comunicat 31.08.2012 - Ordin 3240-2012



Urmare a interventiei  Patronatului Apei si cerintelor operatorilor  regionali ai serviciilor de alimentare cu apa si canalizare, a fost publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 610 din 24.08.2012 - Ordinul nr. 3240/2012 care completeza Ordinul comun MMP si ANRMAP nr. 2266.335|2012 privind aprobarea modelelor de documentatii standardizate aferente procedurilor de atribuire a contractelor de achizitie de lucrari publice pentru proiectele de "proiectare si executie de statie de tratare a apei/statie de epurare de ape reziduale", "executie de retele de canalizare si retele de alimentare cu apa", "proiectare si executie de statie de sortare, compostare si tratare mecano-biologica a deseurilor", "executie de depozit conform de deseuri". Textul documentului poate fi vizualizat AICI .

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



As a result of the Water Employers intervention and demands made by the water supply and sewerage regional operators, was published in Official Gazette no. 610 of 24.08.2012 - Order no. 3240/2012 which completes the MMP and ANRMAP Joint Order no. 2266.335 | 2012 on approving the standard model documentation relating to procedures for the award of procurement contracts for public works projects on “design and construction of water treatment plant / wastewater treatment plant", "execution of sewerage networks and water supply networks", "design and execution of the sorting station, composting and mechanical biological waste treatment", "execution of landfill". The text of the document can be accessed HERE .

ARA Communication’s Department





Comunicat 24.08.2012 - Comisia Resurse Umane




In perioada 5 – 8 septembrie 2012 va avea loc in Constanta seminarul dedicat problemelor specifice Managementului Resurselor Umane, organizat cu sprijinul logistic al S.C. RAJA S.A. Constanta, cu urmatoarea ordine de zi:

  2. Evaluarea nevoilor de formare profesionala in cadrul Companiilor de apa (prezentare rezultate preliminare ale prelucrarii chestionarului);
  3. Sistemul de evaluare a performantelor angajatilor;
  4. Implementarea standardului de responsabilitate sociala in cadrul companiilor de apa;
  5. Diverse.

Informatii suplimentare: Doamna Luminita CUCU, Presedintele Comisiei Resurse Umane – 0788 678 968 si Domnul Silviu LACATUSU, Director executiv - Centrul de Formare si Perfectionare Profesionala in Domeniul Apei 0744 215 772 ( Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza ).

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



In 05 – 08 September 2012 will take place in Constanta the seminar dedicated to the specific problems of Human Resources Management, organized with the logistical support of S.C. RAJA S.A. Constanta, with the following agenda:



2.  Evaluation of the need for professional training within the Water companies (presentation of the preliminary results of the questionnaire);

3.  Evaluation system of the employees performances;

4.  Implementation of the standard on social responsibility within the water companies;

5.  Miscellaneous.

More information: Mrs. Luminita CUCU, Chair of the Human Resources Working Group – 0788 678 968 and Mr. Silviu LACATUSU, Executive Director – Water Training Centre 0744 215 772 ( Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza ).

ARA Communication’s Department




Comunicat 16.08.2012 - Agenda finala a Congresului Mondial al Apei IWA de la Busan, 16 – 21 septembrie 2012



A fost definitivat programul manifestarilor cuprinse in Agenda finala a Congresului Mondial al Apei IWA de la Busan, 16 – 21 septembrie 2012. In cadrul acestora sunt prevazute urmatoarele contributii ale reprezentantilor ARA:

  1. Articole prezentate in plen si postere expuse:
  • Private–public partnership in the water sector in Romania: success or failure? Florin Iliescu
  • Quality of sewage sludge in Romania, Gabriel Racoviteanu
  • The pollution risk of medium-high depth groundwater sources in metropolitan Constanta area, Alexandru Verioti, Nicolae Pitu
  1. Prezentari si interventii in cadrul workshopurilor:
  • Right to water—policy imperatives and regulatory requirements, Vasile Ciomos
  • Trends in urban water services tariffs, Teodor Popa
  • Focus on Korea workshop: Highlights of Korea’s effort to contribute to development activities, Vasile Ciomos
  • AquaRating—an innovative system for assessing utility practice and performance, Vasile Ciomos

  1. Vizitarea expoziţiei specializate de catre delegatia Patronatului Apei.

  1. Vizite tehnice la obiective de interes profesional.

Atasat puteti gasi programul detaliat pe zile. Mai multe detalii despre eveniment pe

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



It was finalized the programme of the events comprised in the Final Agenda of the IWA World Water Congress Busan, 16 – 21 September 2012. Within this agenda are included the following papers of the ARA representatives:

  1. Oral papers and posters:
  • Private–public partnership in the water sector in Romania: success or failure? Florin Iliescu
  • Quality of sewage sludge in Romania, Gabriel Racoviteanu
  • The pollution risk of medium-high depth groundwater sources in metropolitan Constanta area, Alexandru Verioti, Nicolae Pitu
  1. Presentations and interventions in workshops:
  • Right to water—policy imperatives and regulatory requirements, Vasile Ciomos
  • Trends in urban water services tariffs, Teodor Popa
  • Focus on Korea workshop: Highlights of Korea’s effort to contribute to development activities, Vasile Ciomos
  • AquaRating—an innovative system for assessing utility practice and performance, Vasile Ciomos

  1. Visit of the specialized exhibition by the Water Employers’ delegation.

  1. Technical visits to sites of professional interests.

Attached is the daily detailed agenda. More information on the event on

ARA Communication’s Department

Comunicat 14.08.2012 - Comitetul Consultativ Tematic Mediu si Schimbari Climatice



Ieri 13 august 2012 a avut loc la Bucuresti, prima reuniune a Comitetului Consultativ Tematic Mediu si Schimbari Climatice (CCTMSC), coordonat de Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor, in parteneriat cu Ministerul Afacerilor Europene. In cadrul acestei reuniuni au fost discutate rolul, componenta si grupurile de lucru CCTMSC, si a fost stabilit un calendar de lucru.

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



Yesterday 13 August 2012 took place in Bucharest, the 1st meeting of the Thematic Advisory Committee environment and Climate Change (CCTMSC), coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in partnership with the Ministry for European Affairs. During this meeting were discussed the CCTMSC role, members and working groups, and also was established a working agenda.

ARA Communication’s Department




Comunicat 13.08.2012 - Workshops Gannett Fleming



Reprezentantii firmei Gannett Fleming din SUA au realizat, in cursul saptamanii trecute, o serie de trei workshopuri cu operatorii regionali din Valcea, Cluj-Salaj si Alba. Astazi este programata intalnirea acestora cu reprezentantii SC RAJA SA Constanta.

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



The representatives of the Gannett Fleming Company from USA had, during the last week, a series of 3 workshops with the regional operators from Valcea, Cluj-Salaj and Alba. Today is scheduled a meeting with the representatives of SC RAJA SA Constanta.

ARA Communication’s Department





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