Comunicat 28.05.2012 - Schimb de experienta Romania - Republica Moldova




In perioada 28 – 29 mai 2012 se desfasoara la Iasi schimbul de experienta intre Romania si Republica Moldova privind organizarea sectorului si serviciilor de apa si canalizare, eveniment desfasurat in cadrul Proiectului „Asistenta Tehnica pentru Implementarea Programului de sustinere a politicilor sectoriale din domeniul apei, Moldova”.

Obiectivul consta in crearea unei baze comune de intelegere si de explorare a optiunilor pe care le au in prezent institutiile din Moldova privind preluarea responsabilitatilor care deriva din apropierea de cadrul legal si institutional din Uniunea Europeana si bunele practici internationale; impartasirea experientei dobandite de Romania in cadrul institutiilor responsabile de coordonare a acestui sector si a experientei unui operator de apa regional de succes APAVITAL Iasi, care are in derulare un proiect de constructie infrastructura de apa si canalizare finantat din fonduri UE.

In vederea asigurarii schimbului de experienta de la profesionisti la profesionisti, alaturi de echipa de proiect din partea romana au fost invitati sa participe reprezentati ai conducerii Consiliului Judetean din Iasi, Asociatiei Romane a Apei, ai ApaVital Iasi, Centrului de Formare si Pregatire Profesionala in Domeniul Apei (CFPPDA) si asociatiei autoritatilor locale din regiune (ARSACIS).

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



In 28 - 29 May 2012 takes place in Iasi the exchange of experience between Romania and Moldova on the organization of the sector and services of water and sewerage, event held in the Project "Technical Assistance for Implementation of the supporting program of sectorial water policies, Moldova".

The aim is to create a common basis of understanding and exploring the options that the institutions in Moldova currently have on taking responsibilities that arise from the EU legal and institutional framework and international best practice, sharing experience of Romanian institutions responsible for coordination of the sector and of a successful regional water operator APAVITAL Iasi, which is carrying out a project to build water and sewerage infrastructure financed by EU funds.

In order to ensure exchange of experience from professionals to professionals, alongside the Romanian project team, were invited to participate representatives of the Iasi County Council, the Romanian Association of Water, ApaVital Iasi, Water Training Center (CFPPDA) and the association of local authorities in the region (ARSACIS).

ARA Communication’s Department