Comunicat 18.10.2012 - Sedinta Biroul Permanent largit al Patronatului Apei



Vineri 19 octombrie 2012 va avea loc la Sibiu, sedinta Biroului Permanent largit al Patronatului Apei, cu urmatoarea ordine de zi:

  1. Stadiul modificarilor actelor normative care reglementeaza achizitiile publice pentru atribuirea contractelor de lucrari si servicii si corelarea cadrului normativ cu nevoile de crestere a gradului de absorbtie a fondurilor europene;
  2. Stadiul de elaborare si emitere de catre AM POS Mediu a procedurilor de lucru in vederea stabilirii unor practici unitare pentru implementarea proiectelor;
  3. Aplicarea de corectii financiare asupra operatorilor regionali, fapt ce afecteaza stabilitatea financiara a acestora;
  4. Diverse.

La lucrarile acestei reuniuni sunt asteptati sa participe dna. Rovana Plumb – Ministrul Mediului si Padurilor, dl. Eugen Teodorovici – Consilier de Stat al Primului Ministru si dl. Vasile Ciomos – Presedinte ARA.

Compartimentul comunicare ARA




Friday 19 October 2012 will take place in Sibiu the meeting of the enlarged Permanent Council of the Water Employers, with the following agenda:

  1. The status of the normative changes that regulate the award of procurement contracts for public works and services and the correlation of the normative framework with the needs to increase the degree of absorption of the European funds;
  2. The status of elaboration and issuing by MA SOP Environment of the work procedures to set-up unitary practices to implement projects;
  3. Applying financial correction to the regional operators and the effects on their financial stability;
  4. Miscellaneous.

At this meeting are expected to attend Mrs. Rovana Plum – Minister of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Eugen Teodorovici – State Counselor of the Prime Minister and Mr. Vasile Ciomos – ARA President.

ARA Communication’s Department