Comunicat 26.02.2013 - Sistem Informatic Integrat SIVECO



Sistemul Informatic Integrat SIVECO Applications 2009 a primit titlul de Finalist in cadrul competitiei internationale European IT & Software Excellence Awards, la categoria celor mai bune solutii ERP. Sistemul a fost apreciat pentru modul in care a sustinut schimbarile organizationale din cadrul operatorului regional S.C. ACET S.A., ce gestioneaza serviciile publice de alimentare cu apa si canalizare in municipiul Suceava si alte 7 orase din zona de nord-est a tarii.

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



The SIVECO Applications 2009 Integrated Informatics System received the Finalist title in the international contest European IT & Software Excellence Awards, in the category best ERP solutions. The system was appreciated for the way it sustained the organizational changes within the regional operator S.C. ACET S.A., which manages the water and sanitation services in Suceava municipality and in other 7 towns in the north-eastern part of the country.

ARA Communications Department