Comunicat 20.05.2013 - " Danube Water - Smart policies, Strong utilities, Sustainable services"



            In perioda 22 – 24 mai  2013 va avea loc la Viena, reuniunea de lansare a Programului  Danube Water - Smart policies, Strong utilities, Sustainable services” finantat de Banca Mondiala. La acest eveniment participa reprezentantii ministerelor de linie, autoritatilor de reglementare si ai asociatiilor nationale de profil din Albania, Bosnia si Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia si Ucraina.

Delegatia romana va fi condusa de Presedintele ARA, Dl. Vasile Ciomos.

Atasat este diponibil programul oficial.


Compartimentul comunicare ARA






           In Wien, between 22-24 May 2013,  will  takes place the  Danube Water Program Launch Event  - “ Smart policies, Strong utilities, Sustainable services”. Participants  are representatives from national institutions (line ministries, regulatory agencies); national water associations and utility representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine, as well as from the International Association of Water Supply Companies in the Danube River Catchment Area (IAWD); the World Bank and distinguished international speakers and guests from the water and wastewater sector.

Romanian delegation will be headed by Mr.Vasile Ciomos, President Romanian Water Association.

The official program is attached.


            ARA Communications Department