Comunicat 27.03.2013 - Comitet Teritorial Olt-Jiu



In perioada 29 – 30 martie 2013 va avea loc la Brasov sedinta aferenta trimestrului I a Comitetului Teritorial Olt-Jiu, organizata cu sprijinul logistic al Companiei de Apa Brasov SA. Detalii despre acest eveniment pot fi obtinute de la dl. Thomas Roth, Secretar CT, 0720.535.702.

Compartimentul comunicare ARA



In 29 – 30 March 2013 will take place in Brasov the quarterly meeting of the Olt-Jiu Territorial Branch, organized with the logistical support of the Water Company Brasov. More details about the event are available: Mr. Thomas Roth, TB Secretary, 0720.535.702.

ARA Communications Department