Workshop-uri TAIEX


din data de 26.02.2010

Avand in vedere noile cerinte de raportare ale Comisiei Europene cu privire la calitatea apei potabile si a apelor uzate deversate in emisar, Ministerul Mediului si Padurilor in consultare cu Asociatia Romana a Apei organizeaza in perioada urmatoare doua Workshop-uri TAIEX, unul referitor la intarirea capacitatii de implementare a cerintelor Directivei 98/83/CE in perioada 25-26 martie 2010 la Bucuresti, iar celalalt de intarire a capacitatii de implementare a cerintelor Directivei 91/271/EEC la sfarsitul lunii aprilie.


In aceasta perioada operatorii sunt consultati cu privire la problemele cu care se confrunta in implementarea acestor directive si a modului in care se fac raportarile si derogarile.


Compartimentul comunicare ARA



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Given the new reporting requirements of the European Commission on water quality and waste water discharged into the water source, the Ministry of Environment and Forests in consultation with the Romanian Water Association organizes in the next period two TAIEX Workshops, one on strengthening the implementation capacity of the requirements of Directive 98/83/EC in March 25-26, 2010, in Bucharest and other on strengthening the implementation capacity of the requirements of Directive 91/271/EEC in late April.

During this period the operators are consulted on problems faced in implementing these directives and how to do reporting and exemptions.


ARA Communication’s Department