Comunicat 10.08.2011 - Protocol de colaborare ANRSC + ARA




Astazi 10 august 2011 s-a semnat la Bucuresti Protocolul de Colaborare dintre Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare pentru Serviciile Comunitare de Utilitati Publice (A.N.R.S.C.) si Asociatia Romana a Apei (A.R.A.).

Documentul cuprinde scopul, obiectivele, instrumentele si metodologia de colaborare dintre cele 2 parti.

De asemenea, au fost discutate unele aspecte legate de Planul anual de actiuni, text ce urmeaza sa fie semnat la o data ce va fi stabilita ulterior.


Compartimentul comunicare ARA


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Today 10 August 2011 was signed in Bucharest the Collaboration Protocol between the National Regulatory Authority for Community Services on Public Utilities (A.N.R.S.C.) and Romanian Water Association (A.R.A.).

The document comprises the scope, objectives, instruments and methodology of collaboration between the 2 parties.

Also were discussed some aspects related to the Annual Plan of actions, text to be signed at a later date.

ARA Communication's Department